Social Class
Dubois, David, Derek D. Rucker, and Adam D. Galinsky (2015), “Social Class, Power, and Selfishness: When and Why Upper and Lower Class Individuals Behave Unethically,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 108(March), 436-444.
Tormala, Zakary, and Derek D. Rucker (2015), “How Certainty Transforms Persuasion,” Harvard Business Review, September, 96-103
Power & Luxury Purchasing
Rucker, Derek. D., Miao Hu, and Adam D. Galinsky (2014), “The Experience Versus The Expectations of Power: A Recipe for Altering the Effects of Power on Behavior,” Journal of Consumer Research (August), 381-396.
Word of Mouth
De Angelis, Matteo, Andrea Bonezzi, Alessandro Peluso, Derek D. Rucker and Michele Costabile (2012), “On Braggarts and Gossips: A Self-Enhancement Account of Word-of-Mouth Generation and Transmission,” Journal of Marketing Research, 49 (December), 551-563.
Ruttan, R., McDonnell, M.H., & Nordgren, L.F. (In Press). Having 'Been There' Doesn't Mean I Care: When Prior Experience Reduces Compassion for Emotional Distress. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Lucas, B. J. & Nordgren, L.F. (Revise and Resubmit). People underestimate the value of persistence for creative performance. Manuscript in preparation. Journal of personality and Social Psychology.
Rocklage, M. D., & Fazio, R. H. (2015). The Evaluative Lexicon: Adjective use as a means of assessing and distinguishing attitude valence, extremity, and emotionality. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 56, 214-227.